Capoeira e Comunidade

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This page can only be accessed by subscribers to the Reco-Reco de Rede (Online) and higher tiers. Subscribe now to get access.

Please consider becoming a member. Your monthly support will help me create more content and teach more classes on an ongoing basis. A monthly membership will be required to attend local classes to inspire commitment and community. Choose a higher subscription tier to gain access to rewards:

  • An exclusive feed with extensive ASCAB Capoeira movement lists and tutorials
  • Access to song recordings, descriptions and analysis
  • Access to full instructional catalog overtime (streams & downloads)
  • Discounts on merch: t-shirts, uniforms, instruments, stickers etc. 
  • Video hangouts with Contra Mestre Luke Palhaço and special guest
  • Song sheet PDFs - downloadable with commentary and class notes
  • Access to all video lessons - movements, music, history, philosophy, methodology and more
  • Monthly online lessons - glimpses into our in person classes, technique breakdowns, tips and tricks, improve your game and vision

Thank you so much for supporting my career and for helping to keep Capoeira alive and growing all the time. I truly appreciate it.